Interview with Hrithik Roshan

                  "I have a right to get married"

                   He's the biggest furor whipped up this decade. Seems unlikely even for
                   him to equal this impact again. But what Hrithik Roshan can do is use
                   his commanding position to grow as an actor. He has the promise and
                   the potential and popularity too.

                   Don't you think the Pepsi-Shah Rukh controversy was fanned beyond

                   Hrithik : First of all, I don't think it had anything to do with the Khans. Pepsi tried to take a dig
                   at me because I preferred Coke. And Shah Rukh is an actor, he's done his job, I don't hold
                   anything against him. In fact, when he saw the ad himself, he was quite shocked. He asked
                   them to tone down the portions that made fun of me. It was Pepsi's doing not Shah Rukh's. All
                   I know is that he's a friend of mine. He's a good guy and a well wisher.

                   Would you agree to a similar concept if Coke wanted you to do it?

                   Hrithik :I would definitely like to see the storyboard first, and make sure that it is not degrading
                   anyone. Frankly, the Pepsi ad has not affected me. Now that I see it, I think it is really not all
                   that bad.

                   How do you react to this hysteria, this huge craze generated by you?

                   Hrithik :Craze comes from the word crazy and it just means that. It makes no
                   sense. I am not complaining, I am not saying anything. I am not that good.
                   In their craze, people don't see the truth. All they see is what they want to
                   see. Right now they only see the good, and I am not buying any of this
                   because I know it is not the truth. Let more of my films release, and then
                   we'll see if the craze lasts.

                   But you are considered the promising one?

                   Hrithik :Exactly. Promising is the appropriate word which I have to keep up to. I have to try
                   and go higher than what I have done. I hope and pray that I do a better job than what I did
                   in my first film.

                   What does your super success do to you?

                   Hrithik :It has made me tired. All I am craving is for a little peace.

                   Are you playing a negative role in Mission Kashmir?

                   Hrithik :Nothing negative. It's a role of a good boy who goes wrong. He gets into the hands of
                   the wrong people and does wrong things. It's like he has been through such hell as a child
                   that there's a volcano of emotions within him, which comes out in the wrong way. He hurts a
                   lot of people. But when he realises that he's at fault, he gives up his life in redemption.

                   You are playing Karisma's brother in Fiza, don't you think that will effect your pairing as
                   romantic star?

                   Hrithik :I don't think so. It is just that how convincing you can be in your characterisation. If in
                   the next film we are cast romantically opposite each other and if we play it convincingly
                   enough, then it should not be a problem. It simply depends on how convincing you are as an

                   But these two films are totally against your public image?

                   Hrithik :Image is what you create. Once people come to the theatres, it is your job to break
                   the previous image and give them a new one, that's what movies are all
                   about. I played a double role in my first film, one of a nice middle class boy
                   and the other a stud. Keeping this in mind, people are going to the theatres
                   thinking Hrithik Roshan as this nice clean dancer and what they are going to
                   get is a militant who is rough, uncultured, because I play just that in Mission
                   Kashmir. So it is all about selling another dream to them. I can't just keep
                   doing the same kind of roles. Why not give them something different and new
                   every time. And be convincing in it.

                   Did you write some of your scenes in Mission Kashmir?

                   Hrithik :No, it's not that I wrote the scenes, but in every scene there are some of my ideas
                   and suggestions, which have been incorporated in the film. And every actor does that. These
                   suggestions are what make a scene happen, after all it has to be a part of the person who is
                   enacting the character.

                   Are you tying the knot by the end of this year?

                   Hrithik :The world will know when I am ready. That is something I am not going to hide. I have
                   never hidden it, and never will.

                   Won't marriage affect your image?

                   Hrithik :I don't believe in images. I don't believe in anything but doing your job. I have a right
                   to my own life. I have a right to get married. I don't think it will have an effect on my public
                   image at all.